Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Dam

Today when we got home after school, there was some blue sky, and the boys just stayed outside and began to play in the area that one of our yard drainage pipes spills out.
They were out there for quite some time, and created a masterpiece!

Love those boys and their creativity. They worked really hard.

It brought me back to the days of my childhood, playing outside after school or in the summertime, when the days seemed to last forever and there was never a care in the world!

I can remember as a child the fascination with moving water. It is always a favorite at the beach as well, to dam up the streams that flow into the ocean! What is it about water that draws us in?

Good job on the dam, boys!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Taking Down Christmas

Wow. I can't believe it has been well over 7 months since I have posted to this blog. I guess I figure that everyone see's what they want to on Facebook, and so there really isn't the need to keep things up here.

One of my goals this year, however, is to keep up with the boys a little better and to not only post pictures here, but write a little as well as to keep a journal of sorts of all the goings on of the kids.

Yesterday, being Saturday, and having nothing on our schedule except for the Pinewood Derby Car weigh-in, we tried to get as much done around home as we could.

The boys went out with Kerry to tackle getting the Christmas lights off the house and out of the yard. They got it all done and did a great job. I think Cody had the best time. He definately takes after his dad, and works really really hard at whatever task is in front of him.

Just thought I would share a few pictures that I went out and snapped as they were working on the lights!